COVID REACT Swab Test COVID-SAFE Care Swab Test Covid Treatment CONSENT Cardiology rogh rong diya rogh forikka khora rogh teek khora rong diya forikka khora aar teekh khora rong diya forikka khora aar pressure wire khora ilektrik Permanent Pacemaker Insertion Internal Cardiodefibrillator Insertion (ICD) Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy Pacemaker Insertion (CRTP) Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy Defibrillator Insertion (CRTD) AF Ablation AF Ablation (GA) EPS and Possible SVT Ablation A Flutter Ablation VT Ablation Subcutaneous ICD Implantable Loop Recorder DC Cardioversion Transoesophageal Echo Hator balbe Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Atrial Septal Defect Closure Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Cardiac Surgery hator bypass operation hator aortic valve bodlani hator aortic valve bodlani aar bypass khora Mitral Valve Repair and Replacement (MVR) Anaesthesia General Anaesthesia Regional Anaesthesia Spinal and Epidural Central Lines General Surgery feeth barkhorbar operation camera diya kuuch kir maje hernia kuuch kir maje hernia naabir maje hernia khatar maje hernia Kidney Transplant Fistula Surgery Lung Resection Orthopaedic Surgery khomor bodlani Total Knee Replacement Knee Arthroscopy Shoulder Arthroscopy Interventional Radiology rogh forrika khora rong diya aar teekh khora soto khata diya feter rogh tikh khora fukkar maze rong dewa aar tikh khorane Cerebral Angiogram Uterine Fibroid Embolisation Eye Surgery Cataract Intravitreal injection Vitrectomy Retinal detachment repair Intensive Care fosond khoroyn shaash falaybar machine shaasher fothe de fukka khora Prorochito Coma